We help landlords guarantee and increase their rental income.
The simplest, surest, and most profitable way to rent out your apartments.

Here is how we are transforming the landlord experience.

Guaranteed Rent, No Defaults
Get guaranteed annual rent with no defaults. Our most-celebrated service.

Property Upgrade Financing
Our landlord-friendly financing helps you increase the value of your rental asset and rental income as much as 50%.

Property Care & Management service
Our proprietary Property Preventive Maintenance Service ensures your property does not lose its value and proactively prevents you from avoidable renovation costs.

Access to credible and vetted tenants
We fill apartments with vetted tenants who are professionals working for some of the best companies in Nigeria and overseas.

Just sit back and enjoy optimized Return on Investment on your properties, we'll do the rest
Our all-in-one-package takes on the hard work of tenant selection, paperwork, property care, and tenant relationship management and provides you with a dashboard to monitor transparently from anywhere in the world.
Let us contact youRead some of our case studies and testimonials
Examples of how we have helped landlords get the best Return on Investment for their rental properties.
Protect your legacy, earn your rental income and have peace of mind while at it.
We pick the price. We manage everything. You get your guaranteed rental income with the option of price increase bi-annually.
Premium Guaranteed Rent & Property Care Service
Guaranteed rent annually
Detailed quarterly maintenance reports
Full property management services
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The experience of owning rental property can be either rewarding or a complete nightmare

It is very difficult to believe that, most times, landlords in Nigeria have it worse than the tenants do